Monday 3 May 2010

BMC to CMC - A change in terminology from Best Measurement Capability to Calibration and Measurement Capability

The measurement capabilities provided by accredited calibration laboratories have in the past been described by the Best Measurement Capability (BMC) which expresses the lowest uncertainty of measurement that could be achieved during a calibration. This terminology has been widespread in accreditation around the world.

The National Metrology Institutes (NMIs) have used a similar description of the services provided to their clients. Within the NMI community the term has been Calibration and Measurement Capability (CMC).

In pursuit of harmony and co-operation between the communities, ILAC has decided to make a change in the terminology used and in the future the BMC will be named as the CMC. (ILAC Circular)

This change is of the terminology only, as BMC and CMC have been agreed to be equivalent. There are no technical implications regarding schedules, uncertainty budgets, capabilities or assessments.

Most of the National Accreditation Bodies will implement this change in terminology by 31 December 2010.

No immediate action is required by accredited laboratories but you should now phase out any mention of BMC and replace it with CMC in advertisements and other literature. The certificates issued are not affected as these describe the Uncertainty of Measurement of the particular calibration undertaken. Laboratories should advise their customers of the equivalence of the terms BMC and CMC and should assure customers that there is neither practical difference nor any other implication from this change in terminology.

More details at:


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