Friday 30 April 2010

Workshop “Accreditation with Flexible Scope - Needs, Current Situation, Future Developments”

Over 50 participants representing 18 European countries, from numerous conformity assessment bodies, various industries and 8 accreditation bodies attended the workshop held at the Technical and Test Institute for Construction in Prague on November 4, 2009. It was organized by the Technical Committee for Quality Assurance and dedicated to the accreditation with flexible scope as the follow up of the workshop organized three years before in Borås. At that time the general conclusion of the presentations and discussions highlighted the need and the benefit of a flexible scope in accreditation but there was not a full consensus on how to interpret the term flexible scope and how to implement it in practice.

The rationale of the Prague workshop was to exchange experience as well as to benchmark and promote good practices. The aim was to give documented input to the relevant interested parties, specially the community of accreditation bodies.

Workshop presentation are available at:

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